Now John and I don't have a good
history with Cook. On our last visit a year or so ago, we waited for
what seemed like eternity to get our breakfasts. When they arrived,
mine was dried out and cold and John's---well,
we attempted several times to chisel through the cheese that was
burnt/broiled/microwaved? onto the side of the bowl so that we could
reach the rest of the 'food', but were unable to do so (and trust me, we
carry tools for eating....we really, really tried
to break through this cheese 'cement'). On that visit, unfortunately,
we returned the food to a somewhat rude server and left hungry. That
was a very poor expe
rience, especially given the somewhat glowing reviews that the place has received from local food writers.
But we always try to give food
places multiple tries. Having been in the 'food biz' for 7 years (and
Anne a lot longer) we know that some days just don't work out in terms
of the customer experience that you want to
So, here we go on 'Try 2' for Cook.
Since it was late morning and you could order breakfast or lunch, we started with the appetizer Korean fries to share.
Between the soggy 'lake' and the
overwhelming (really overwhelming) number of rings of serrano peppers,
the dish became quickly 'unapproachable'. If it had been served in a
more appealing way, with a reasonable number
of chiles, it would have been quite a serviceable appetizer. But
promise and presentation were the model for inconsistency here.
Update: we looked on-line at
photos of the presentation of this dish at Cook. It is normally served
on a plate. I guess they were out of both plates to hold the
appetizer and plates for customers to dine from on
this particular morning. Really, out of plates.....or just didn't feel
like having to wash plates on this day???
Update: Yup, we looked on line
and this dish is also normally served in a large bowl, with the 'sides'
served in little stainless steel portion cups. But not on the day of
our visit. Again, did they just NOT want
to wash any dishes?????
Many restaurants currently seem
to offer the 'flavor' of hot peppers. Overwhelming heat without some
accompanying interesting flavor profile is just...uninteresting. And
the presentation on both of these dishes was
'off-putting' at the very least. Anne almost missed some of the
ingredients because they were buried in the bottom of the basket stuck
on the paper.....she said she would have enjoyed the dish a lot more if
she had found these before she was essentially finished
with the dish. Disappointing. And I like serrano peppers....but
nobody needs that many serranos.
At Cook, I'd say the service was
somewhat attentive (but disconnected) and the food was delivered much
more quickly than on our last visit. And, this time, we actually were
able to taste the food. But it seems like
the attraction of Cook is supposed to be the Korean 'spin' on
dishes....but the spin appears to be heavily tilted toward a Korean
sauce and tons of least on this day. Perhaps they were
out of other foods as well, so just piled serranos on everything.
I believe that this could be so much more than what appeared on our
table....both in terms of variety of flavors and presentation in
something from which you can, well, actually eat.
So I guess I don't know how to
describe the 'consistency' here....inconsistent serving 'dishes'....nice
bowls for the mac & chi and the Bi Bim Bop, while the other items
were served in less than optimal paper lined
baskets that were too small to accommodate what filled them. The
consistency was that the Korean 'spin' was a sauce and serranos....and
kimchi placed here and there to 'Koreanize' some American dishes.
Potential--yes; reached---I don't think so.
Final update: we emailed Cook St. Paul to describe our experience
so that they were aware of the 'shortcomings'. Since we've heard
nothing from them, I guess the quality of our experience (really
experiences) is unimportant to them. Let me just say,
if you spend $60 for breakfast for 3, you should at least be able to
get a plate. Cook St. Paul couldn't even do that. Conclusion: your money....they don't care about your meal.
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