Fat Chance
Here's a great example of a place that's doing well because they do good.
We ventured to Brooklyn Park (& you have to remember that when John ventures, he says memorable things like: "We're west of the Mississippi--all I know is that if we keep going, we'll hit a prairie somewhere in the Dakotas.")
But we found the place well before we hit the border ; )

Talked to the owner...he said his biz is exploding - especially catering...they have a 300 person catering coming up (& believe me, I know how much work that will be).
Fat Chance hires employees that are struggling with chronic homelessness. We talked with one funny guy today--he straightened out his life a few years ago and clearly was in his element in the kitchen here (he has a long history cooking in the military & then many places after that). The experience shows.

Great decor---corrugated, a chimney, even the beautiful bathroom had great decor.
We'd highly recommend you head out toward the Dakota prairies but stop just east of 169 on 85th Ave N & Broadway and have a great meal that won't break the bank.
If you decide to continue on to the prairie, we 'd recommend grabbing some take out ribs & Mac & cheese - the quantities will be more than enough to make it to the border!!
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